Jindal Mining contacted Soil & Dust Solutions with regard to the stabilization of a mine haul road at their Kiepersol Colliery as well as the Rail Siding Road. Samples were taken from each road and laboratory tests performed by South African Road Testing Services (SARTS) in order to determine the best mix design to be used in order to achieve the desired results for the wearing course of the roads. The road was prepared including the proper shaping of the road (inclusive of line and levels), adequate drainage was cut in and an in-situ deep milling machine (Reclaimer) was used to mix in the EBS and water solution with the soil a the required depth in order to bring the soil up to the optimum moisture content in order to ensure proper compaction. The surface was then compacted and sealed with EBS. The newly constructed road requires no future watering or grading, will provide a longer life for both tires and vehicles, is UV and weather-resistant, is dust-free, and is environmentally friendly. of water per day that they were previously using for dust suppression.