About Soil and Dust Solutions

Welcome to a fresh and innovative approach to cost savings. Improved Road Surfaces using our advanced technology leads to the following benefits:

“Mine production is strictly linked to the quality of haul roads considering they determine the cycle time of trucks along the haul roads and the accessibility of loading and dumping areas.” 

“Investing in building good haul roads guarantees mining equipment will reach the required speed in a safer manner.”

*Taken from the article entitled “In for The Long Haul” Mining Mirror Magazine Volume 25 No. 10 April 2013

“Any savings generated from improved road design and management will benefit the mining company directly as a

reduced cost per ton material hauled.”

*Taken from the paper entitled “Integrated Asset Management Strategies for Unpaved Mine Haul Roads” written by Roger J Thompson and Alex T Visser

of the University of Pretoria

*Taken from the Caterpillar Forward Mining, Efficient Haul Roads, A Design & Maintenance Guide
*Taken from the Caterpillar Forward Mining, Efficient Haul Roads, A Design & Maintenance Guide

Additional — an improved road surface improves rolling resistance — according to the CAT handbook using a CAT 777D – a medium reduction in Rolling Resistance will result in a reduction in fuel consumption of 18.75 litres per hour / per vehicle.

For further information regarding our gravel road, mine haul road and environmental solutions please click on the following links:

Gravel Roads          Mine Haul Roads          Environmental Solutions

Actual Cost & Benefit Case Studies

Case Study 1

Application of EBS Surface Seal on Access Roads and Haul Roads


 $ 1 Year Savings = US$ 1.4 Million 
 $ 10 Year Savings = US$ 27.2 Million 

The water use per day was 416,350 litres x 14 trips per day using 4 CAT 785D water trucks applying a total of 5,828,900 litres per day

2.1 billion litres

By eliminating the use of water trucks and graders
2.4 million litres of diesel (607,596 gallons) was saved! Which equates to CO2 savings of 6.35 million kgs per year

CO2 Savings

Cost Savings Comparisons

This is how we did it:

Based on the following: Haul Road Network: 20km x 30m = 600,000m2 Fleet

→ 2 x Cat 777F Water Trucks running 20 hours per day with an average diesel consumption of 82.4 litres per hour per vehicle

→ 20 x 82.4 = 1,648 x 2 = 3,296 litres of Diesel per day or 1,203,040 litres /year

→    3 x CAT 16M Graders operating 12 hours per day with an average fuel consumption of 42.8 litres /hour

→ 36 x 42.8 = 1,540.8 litres per day or 562,392 litres/year

→ 20 x CAT 789 Haul Trucks running 20 hours per day with an average fuel consumption of 159 litres/hour which we improved by allowing a minimum of 5% which means a fuel savings of 7.95 litres per hour per vehicle due to decreased Rolling resistance as a direct result of an improved road surface.

Haul Fleet Fuel Savings per day  = 3,180 litres
Haul Fleet Fuel Savings per year  = 1,160,700 litres
Total Diesel Fuel Reduction: 2,926,132 litres (rounded to 2.9 million)

At a cost of Diesel of $.95 per litre this is a savings of $2,779,825.40

Water Savings

  • 2 x 70,000 litre tankers watering 10 times per day
  • 140,000 litres x 10 = 1.4 million litres of water per day
  • 511,000,000 litres of water per year (511 million litres of water per year)

CO2 / Carbon Emission Reduction

With a Diesel reduction of 2,926,132 litres per year x 2.63 = 7,695,727 kgs of CO2 emissions per year

Water cost of $.06 per m3 was used for a total of $30,660 per year

Water truck operating cost of $136.14 per hour was used (13.3 hours per day for 365 days per year) $1,326,877

Grading cost was based on $102.85 per hour x 3 graders (12 hours per day for 365 days per year $1,351,449

Wearing course remediation was based on $0.31 per m= $186,000

*Fuel consumption of vehicles based on an average taken from the Caterpillar Performance Handbook Version 47

Water Savings – Four (4) 18,000 litre water trucks watering three (3) times a day

Fuel and Cost Savings – from the elimination of the watering, grading, and compaction of the road

 Fuel Savings per day = 1,873 litres       Fuel Savings per year = 536,265 litres

 At a cost of Diesel of $1.18 per litre this is a savings of $632,792.70

Reduced fuel use leads to huge cost savings.

CO2 Savings

Due to a reduction in diesel of 536,265 litres / year – CO2 emissions reduced by 1.4 million kgs per year or 14 million kgs over a ten-year period.

Cost Savings Comparisons

Traditional method of watering and grading = 10-year cost $6.5 million

EBS Surface Seal 10-year cost = $2.3 million

This is how we did it:

Based on the following:  Road Network of 20km x 10m = 200,000m2

→ 4 x 18,000 litre Water Trucks running 9 hours per day for 350 days per year with an average diesel consumption of 40.6 litres per hour per truck

→ 4 x 40.6 x 9 = 1,461.6 litres of Diesel per day or 511,560 litres per year

→ 1 x Grader operating 9 hours per day for 60 days a year with an average fuel consumption of 26.75 litres per hour

→ 1 x 26.75 x 9 = 240.75 litres per day or 14,445 litres per year

→ 1 x Compactor/Roller operating 9 hours per day for 60 days a year with an average fuel consumption of 19 litres per hour

→ 1 x 19 x 9 = 171 litres per day or 10,260 litres per year

Fuel Savings per day = 1,873 litres       Fuel Savings per year = 536,265 litres

At a cost of Diesel of $1.18 per litre this is a savings of $632,792.70

Water Savings

  • 4 x 18,000 litre tankers watering 3 times per day
  • 72,000 litres x 4 = 216,000 litres of water per day
  • 75.6 million litres of water per year

CO2 / Carbon Emission Reduction

With a Diesel reduction of 536,265 litres per year x 2.63 = 1,410,377 kgs of CO2
emissions per year

Water truck operating costs estimated at $300 per day for 350 days per year = $420,000

Grader operating costs estimated at $450 per day for 60 days a year = $27,000

Compactor operating costs estimated at $200 per day for 60 days per year = $12,000

Wearing course remediation estimated at $1.00per m2 = $200,000

*Operating costs are estimated based on current rental prices

*Fuel consumption of vehicles based on an average taken from the Caterpillar Performance Handbook Version 47