

HYDROTAC is an environmentally safe, specifically formulated highly effective tackifier. It is diluted with water that serves as a carrier agent and when applied to the ground, air and sunlight become the curing agents. Hydrotac is a tackifier and soil binder that in effect “glues” the hydro seed mixture to the surface of the ground until the germination and root growth occurs. Hydro seeding is, without doubt, the fastest way to create verdant greenery in a dull and vapid landscape.

Industrial Dust Machines

IDM Dust Machines

IDM Indestrial Dust Machines Provide Effective Solutions for Managing and Mitigating Surface and Airborne Dust at Active Points. These dust machines produce micro particles of water that capture dust particles in the air and guide them to the earth.

EBS Soil Stabilizer

EBS soil stabilizer

EBS – Soil Stabilizer which is a linear molecular structure consisting of millions of molecules that are linked and cross linked together creating a stable bonding matrix.

Slope and Embankment Reinforcement (Erosion Control)

Having a desperate need for hydro seeding and erosion control of the berm (embankment) outside their newly constructed offices Soil & Dust Solutions, the South African Agent of Soil Solutions, was contacted for assistance.

Private Estate Gravel Road Improvement

Private Estate EBS gravel road upgrade

Soil & Dust Solutions was contracted to perform an upgrade to the existing gravel road and parking areas throughout the Estate in order to create a more usable gravel road surface that blends in with the surrounding environment thus creating a more pleasant atmosphere throughout the Estate.   Site inspections were conducted and samples were taken from the […]

Assmang Khumani Iron Ore Mine Haul Road Construction

Mine Haul Road dust Prevention

The test sections constructed by Soil & Dust Solutions, the South African Agent for Soil Solutions, at ASSMANG BKM Khumani Iron Ore Mine in South Africa, underwent the most extensive on-site testing ever conducted for an alternative soil stabilizer. These results together with independent accredited laboratory testing conducted by Geostrada and Africon led to the contract […]

Stockpile Treatment – Assmang Khumani Iron Ore Mine

Slope stabilization

A stockpile treatment for dust control and erosion prevention was conducted at ASSMANG Khumani Iron Ore Mine, whereby two adjacent stockpiles were documented, one was treated with a surface application of EBS Soil Stabilizer, while the other was left untreated. After three months 169 tonnes of material was lost from the untreated stockpile, no measurable material […]

Assmang Khumani Iron Ore Mine Primary Crusher Tip

Assmang Khumai Iron Ore Mine Primary Crusher Tip

Soil & Dust Solutions was contacted to construct the ramp and crusher tip area for the Assmang Khumani Iron Ore Mine. Lab testing was conducted in order to determine the mix design that would provide the desired results in the most cost-efficient manner for the wearing course. Once the mix design was determined the construction began. The area was […]