Limpopo Lipadi Private Game & Wilderness Reserve located in the Southern Tuli Block in Botswana received Governmental approval for the construction of an airstrip on the reserve and then contacted Soil and Dust Solutions for a solution to preserve and protect the surface from erosion and material loss due to heavy rains and wind, will require less maintenance, blend in with the environment and be safe for the flora, fauna, and wildlife present on the reserve.

Soil and Dust Solutions determined that once the airstrip, taxiway, and parking areas were constructed that the application of an EBS Surface Seal would be the best solution to achieve the above-mentioned objectives.

Upon arrival to complete the application of the EBS Surface Seal, it was determined that the surface of the airstrip required repair in many areas and that the taxiway and parking area required further work as well. A team was assembled and the repairs on the runway commenced using borrow pit material and EBS while simultaneously the taxiway and parking area surfaces were scarified and then compacted again creating a smooth finish in preparation for the EBS Surface Seal.

Once the repairs were complete the EBS Surface Seal was applied using multiple coats providing for a dust-free airstrip, which is protected from erosion and extreme weather conditions, blends in with the reserve environment, provides a smooth surface for aircraft landings, and is safe for all wildlife within the reserve as during the application two ostriches conducted their own inspection while many other animals including impala, baboons, wildebeest, and warthogs were frequent visitors to the airstrip during the construction period.

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